General pest control

This involves in spraying the entire premises and surrounding areas with special reference to Bathroom, Kitchen, Pantries, Drainage, Sewers, Toilets, and other vulnerable areas. This Service will cover Pests like Cockroaches, Red Ants, Black Ants and Silverfish.


Cockroaches crawl through dirty areas and then walk around our homes tracking in lots of bacteria and germs. They can contaminate food by shedding their skins. Their casts off skin and waste byproducts are allergens that can trigger allergic reactions, asthma and other illnesses, especially in children.

Rodent Control


These Rat, Mice and Bandicoots are known for the damage they cause by chewing on materials, urinating on food and eating stored foods. They have also been known to chew on wires, which can cause fires to start. They also carry disease and ectoparasites. Rats will also attack both animals and humans. Human babies and even adults have been killed in rat attacks.

Dry chemicals along with foodstuffs are kept on required spots on eating then the rate gets drugged which gives them a necessary warning and they runway. Rat and mice eat and contaminate all kind of food in farmhouses and homes. Plague is caused due to acute infestation of these pests. Rat, Mice and Bandicoots are also destructive pests.

Termites Control

Termites pose the greatest threat to timber, building and all structures through-out the world. They bore galleries wood and forage for food. Breaking contact between the soil and wood content of the building is the primary method of combating termites..


Subterranean termites are the most destructive kind of termite. They can eat a lot of wood and they can cause a lot of expensive damage to a house! They can destroy building foundations, wooden support beams, plastic plumbing pipes, sub-flooring, insulation … even swimming pool liners and filtration systems! Termites can also injure or destroy living trees and shrubs.

Fly Control


There are more than 120,000 species of flies worldwide. A female housefly can lay up to 600 eggs in her short lifetime. Most flies live an average of 21 days and take on various shapes throughout their short lives. House flies taste with their feet, which are 10 million times more sensitive to sugar than the human tongue!

These insects have been known to carry over 100 different kinds of disease causing germs.

Mosquito Control

There are about 170 different kinds of mosquitoes in India alone. These pests are part of the same family as houseflies and fruit flies, because they all have two clear, veined wings.
Best known as a summer pest, Mosquitoes can develop from egg to adult in 10 to 14 days.


Mosquitoes spread diseases such as West Nile Virus, malaria and dengue fever.

Bed Bugs Control


Bed bugs are typically found in beds and small cracks and crevices. When Bed bugs feed, they inject the skin with their saliva (this keeps the blood from clotting) and an anesthetic (this keeps the host from feeling the bite and moving). Bed bugs do not spread disease, but their bites can become red, itchy welts.

Bed bugs likely get their name from their habit of feeding on humans while they sleep in their beds. They are found in virtually every place people tend to gather, including residences, hotels, schools, offices, retail stores and even public transportation.

Wood Borer Control

Wood Borer or Powder post beetles lay their eggs in cracks of wood and the larvae tunnel into the surface, filling it with a very fine powder-like dust. Powder post beetles have long, narrow, flat bodies that allow them to easily attack wood surfaces. These beetles are reddish-brown in color.


Wood borers are wood damaging insect that invade and damage structural and furniture wood based on the type and moisture content of the wood.